Legal information

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All editorial, visual, photographic, audio and video content included on this website is the sole property of the Département du Loire-Atlantique, or a third party having authorised its use by the Département du Loire-Atlantique. As a result and in application of the law of 11th March 1957 (Art. 41) and the Intellectual Property Code, any whole or partial reproduction of this material without the explicit authorisation of a duly mandated representative of the Département du Loire-Atlantique is forbidden, and represents an offence punishable by law.

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In accordance with Law No. 78-17 of 6th January 1978 on Information Technologies and Civil Liberties, you have the right to access and correct any information held concerning you. You have the right to request the update or removal of any information held regarding you personally, if this information is incorrect, incomplete, ambiguous, outdated or if its collection, use, communication and storage is forbidden.
To exercise these rights, contact us at the following address:
Département de Loire-Atlantique
Musée Dobrée et sites patrimoniaux
3 quai Ceineray
BP 94109

General Information :

The Département de Loire-Atlantique updates its website daily.
We remind you that the content of this website may include errors or omissions, and that this content is liable to be modified or removed at any moment.
If you notice any technical problems or incorrect or incomplete information, please do not hesitate to bring it to the attention of our site administrator using the contact form.
The Département de Loire-Atlantique accepts no responsibility for the content of external websites listed on this site.


Director of Publication: Arnaud Bourdin
Photo credits (unless otherwise specified): Hervé Neveu-Derotrie, Chantal Hémon, Christian Letertre, Paul Pascal, Jean Lesage, Valéry Joncheray, Emmanuelle Tran-Lé, Christiane Blanchard, CAUE (Conseil en Architecture, Urbanisme et Environnement), Jean-Claude Leveau, Xavier Léoty, Bruno Warion, Denis Pillet, Richard Patin and Diaouest.
Videos crefits (unless otherwise specified) : Opixido, Grand Patrimoine Multimedia Dept, Monochrome Productions

Site design, coordination and management:

Grand Patrimoine de Loire-Atlantique (Digital and Communications departments)

Technical Development and integration

Digital Solutions Directorate
Société prestataire : Micropole


Digital Solutions Directorate


Web design: Grand Patrimoine de Loire-Atlantique and the Communications Dept. - Département de Loire-Atlantique
Design and creation of visual content: Grand Patrimoine de Loire-Atlantique and the Communications Dept. - Département de Loire-Atlantique
Opixido -