Exploring the Collections - Act 2

Exhibition from 21st May to 30th December 2016 at the Musée Dobrée, Nantes.

affiche voyage 2016

For the second year in a row, the Musée Dobrée is opening up several of its galleries for a special anthology exhibition: Exploring the collections - Act 2. This show is an invitation to (re)discover the diverse treasures of the departmental museum's collections : ancient and medieval sculptures, Greek pottery, Asian and Egyptian statues, ritual artefacts from Oceania and the Americas, paintings from the 16th to 19th centuries, engravings by Dürer and Schongauer, gold coins, weapons from Antiquity to the Napoleonic era ... and of course the fantastic golden reliquary containing the heart of Anne of Brittany! Over 350 of the museum's most emblematic artefacts will be on display.

A journey through 5000 years of history across 5 continents.

Opening hours:

  • Open every day (except Monday) from 13:30 to 18:00
  • N.B.: Closed 24th and 25th December

All ages - Free entry

For more information call 02 40 71 03 50 or email musee.dobree@loire-atlantique.fr

Guided Tours

Discover or rediscover the eclectic array of treasures which make up the collections of the Musée Dobrée, with this selection of 350 works.

  • All ages
  • Every day throughout the exhibition at 16:00 - duration 1hour
  • Full price: €3
  • Concessions: €2 (Ages 14-18, students, jobseekers, groups of 15 or more)
  • Free for children under the age of 14 (accompanied by an adult)

Themed Visits "The Curator's private tour"

The curators of the Musée Dobrée are on hand to guide visitors through an in-depth tour focusing on key works in the collections. 

  • Thursdays 9th June: "Monnaies des ducs de Bretagne"
  • 7th July: "Les ivoires et le collectionneur Paul Thoby"
  • 8th September: "Statuettes et divinités bouddhiques"
  • 13th October : "Autographes et archives"
  • 10th November : "L'art nouveau et l'art déco"
  • 8th December : "Vue de Nantes depuis Chantenay de L. Doomer"

At 17:00 - Duration: 45 minutes
Advance booking recommended: 02 40 71 05 79.

Guided tours in sign language

Tour of the exhibition in French sign language, led by a guide with hearing difficulties.

Visits for school groups or other institutions

Customised tours can be arranged.
Contact: musee.dobree@loire-atlantique.fr

Get a close-up view of Anne of Brittany's heart reliquary with our 3D digital model

Get up close and personal with one of the museum's most iconic artefacts with this new application for touch-screen devices, and learn more about its history, construction and symbolism.

Watch Bastien Capela's video installation focusing on the Palais Dobrée.

Take an artistic stroll through the Palais Dobrée without even leaving the entrance hall, with this original video installation byartist and film-maker Bastien Capela.