2016 - Artists from the Casa de Velázquez

17th March - 30th April 2016 at the Musée Dobrée - Manoir de la Touche, Nantes. Free entry.

Exposition CasaVelazquez Nantes-Dobree 2016Casa de Velázquez Exhibition Banner
Credits : Département de Loire-Atlantique - February 2016

The  Loire-Atlantique Département is taking over the Musée Dobréefor an exhibition featuring the work of artists in residence at the Casa de Velázquez in Madrid in 2014-2015:

This exhibition is also a great opportunity to discover the works of Romain Rambaud, an artist from Loire-Atlantique who spent three months in residence at the Casa de Velázquez in Autumn 2015, as part of a partnership with our Département.

This exhibition reflects the Département's long-standing support for contemporary art and young creative talents, part of a programme of cultural exchanges operated in partnership with the Institut de France.


Practical Information:

  • At the Musée Dobrée - Manoir de la Touche - 18 rue Voltaire - Nantes.
  • Wednesday to Sunday, 14:00-18:00 (Fridays: open from 12:30).
  • Free entry.
  • Educational visits for school groups: Thursday and Friday afternoons (subject to reservation).
  • Group visits: subject to reservation.
Find more details on the exhibition on the official website of the Casa de Velázquez de Madrid.