2009 - The Ring in Dobrée, comparing collections

Exhibition presented from May 16 to August 30, 2009

Affiche expo-Ring a Dobree-2009

“When contemporary art meets medieval art…”

This initiative was born out of the success of an educational action, “En Regard(s)” – a workshop focused on expression and verbalization in which over 250 students took part.

In order to expand this cultural activity to the general public and to other students – particularly middle-school levels – the Dobrée museum selected a number of works of art from the Nantes Ring-artotheque (Art library) in relations with the medieval collections of the museum.

The works that come from the Ring are presented in a place and with objects from a time period that is unfamiliar to them.  

It is a dialogue between two time periods, between materials, shapes and thoughts aimed at associating medieval art – based on the sacred – to contemporary art – based on men – to create a sort of time chronicle. The message of the exhibition is that there are undeniable links between medieval art and contemporary art collections. Alone or with some help, the visitor is asked to find those links.