Human traces, the team

Marie-Hélène Santrot, commissionner of the exhibition, curator of the departmental Dobrée museum, Department of Culture – DGAD Development, General Council of Loire-Atlantique

Scenography, graphism
Sylvie Jupin, Trangé (Sarthe)
Joël Jupin, Trangé (Sarthe)

Gérald Musch, Belle-Ile-en-Mer (Morbihan)
Lionel Pirault, archaeologist at INRAP, Nantes (Loire-Atlantique)

Models and clay characters
Michel Politzer, Plumergat (Morbihan)

Educational model of a Roman city
Guy Camut, Angers

Texts and maps’ conception
Jacques Santrot, head curator, director of the departmental Dobrée museum
Marie-Hélène Santrot
Gildas Salaün

With the cooperation of:
Loïc Ménanteau, Laboratory Géolittomer, CNRS and the University of Nantes
Pays de la Loire Regional Department of archaeology (DRAC)

    Regional Direction of Cultural Affairs in the Pays de la Loire (Regional Department of Archaeology)
    City of Rezé
    City of Nantes
    City of Châteaubriant
    City of Pornic
    City of Besné
    City of Château-du-Loir (Sarthe)
    Diocese of Nantes
    Association des Amis du Pays de Retz (Pays-de-Retz museum, Bourgneuf-en-Retz)

    Archaeologists or collectors who wish to remain anonymous
    The General Council of Loire-Atlantique
    Department of Culture, departmental Dobrée museum

With the cooperation of:
    The Pays de la Loire Regional Department of Cultural Affairs (Regional Department of Archaeology)
    The University of Nantes