National archaeology

The national archaeology collections of the Dobrée museum are among the richest in the West of France. They include a little over 25,000 artifacts found in Loire-Atlantique and all over France.

Besides unique regional collections such as the numerous relics from the Bronze Age (2,000 – 800 BC), the museum is also home to pieces of international renown.

The core of the collection was first put together in the mid 19th century by members of the Nantes and Loire-Atlantique History and Archaeological Society. The collection grew from there thanks to donations, endowments and acquisitions. For the last few years, thanks to the development of preventive archaeology, the museum has been gathering pieces found during much more recent excavations.

All together, these artifacts give an exhaustive view of human productions from prehistoric to modern times.

 Heads of the department:

Discover some of the most emblematic artifacts of the national archaeology department. cg44.plugin.grandpatrimoineplugin.portailAccueil.label.afficher-masque