Fine arts and works of art

The collection of fine arts and works of art of the Dobrée museum are quite diverse and cover a millennium of artistic creation.

For a large part, they were left to the museum by collector Thomas Dobrée. They reflect the evolution of taste and shapes. 

Medieval sculptures are on display alongside paintings such as Jérôme Bosch’s Saint Christopher. A remarkable collection of ivory sculptures gives a comprehensive view of the kind of production that could be found between the 13th and 16th century. The exceptional collection of Limousin enamels are foretellers of the civil goldsmithery of the end of the Middle-Ages and Anne of Brittany's heart case.

French furniture, cabinets of curiosities from Antwerp, Flemish tapestries and paintings are fine illustrations of the Renaissance era and the 17th century.
Ceramics, goldsmithery and mahogany port furniture illustrate the art of living of the 18th century.
The paintings collection from the 19th century gives an overview of the various artistic movements of the time, from landscapes to portraits, via historical representations.
Lastly, we can also find some creations from the 20th century with the work of master glassmakers of Art Nouveau and Art Deco.

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