Previous Loans

The famous bronze pin representing Constantine I and his family with the chistogram, one of the finest pieces in the museum's collections, went on showin Geneva at the Musée Rath's, exhibition: 'Ancient Heroes in the Grand Siècle – echoes of archaeology in Flemish tapestry' from 29th November 2013 to 2nd March 2014.

From 14th December 2013 to 22nd March 2014, our Mediterranean archaeological collections were in the spotlight at the Musée de la Roche-sur-Yon, as part of the exhibition 'From atop these pyramids…' The pieces on show included two fine, rare artefacts from our Ancient Egyptian collection and various items now at the Musée Dobrée which were originally part of the private collection of Frédéric Cailliaud.

From 16th December 2013 to 16th March 2014, at the Musée des Beaux-Arts d’Angers, 15 exceptional medieval and Renaissance manuscripts and 2 miniatures featured in the exhibition 'Illuminated treasures from France's museums'. A manuscript copy of the Lives of Illustrious Women by Antoine Du Four (1504), commissioned by Anne of Brittany, was one of the treasures from the Musée Dobrée on show in Angers.

The exhibition 'François-André Vincent 1746-1816' held at the Musée Fabre de Montpellier from 8th February to 11th May 2014 featured two of Vincent's drawings which usually reside in the Fine Arts section of the Musée Dobrée.

Nantes Public Library hosted an exhibition running from 16th April to 31st August 2014 entitled "Memo Memo, from page to book" as part of the Voyage à Nantes  festival. The Musée Dobrée loaned one of its Chinese gouaches, "Lychees, lychees", for the occasion.

Also as part of the Voyage à Nantes festival, the Musée Dobrée loaned several items to the exhibition "Curiositas", curated by Anne and Patrick Poirier and hosted by the Musée des Beaux-arts de Nantes in several locations around the city. A Merovingian sarcophagus, bones discovered in the Bassin de Penhoët in Saint-Nazaire, an African mask and a set of Gallo-Roman dice all featured in the show, which ran from 27th June to 31st August 2014 at: "Mémoria" at Lieu Unique, "Amnesia" at the Maison Régionale d'Architecture des Pays de la Loire, "Fabrica" at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture, "Phantasma" at the Temple du Goût and "Vanitas" at the Passage Sainte-Croix.

The Musée de Valenciennes showcased some of the highlights of the Musée Dobrée's Viking collections in the exhibition 'The Vikings and the Frankish Empire: impact, heritage and image' which ran from 30th May to 7th September 2014.

The Musée de Saint-Antoine-l'Abbaye, in Isère hosted an exhibition from 6th July to 5th October entitled "Gems, a sparkling story". The Musée Dobrée loaned a gilded bronze medieval monstrance for this exhibition.

The Château de Kerjean, in Finistère celebrated the aristocratic cuisine of the Renaissance in an exhibition running from 29th March to 2nd November entitled "Hungry humours: feasting in the Renaissance". The Musée Dobrée loaned various items of tableware and a few famous cookbooks, including the legendary Viandier de Taillevent, the go-to reference work for French cooks in the Middle Ages.

The anthropomorphic dagger unearthed in an aristocratic Gaulish tomb near Châtillon-sur-Indre, one of the highlights of the Musée Dobrée's archaeological collections, was on show from 20th June to 23rd November  at the Musée Bargouin in Clermont-Ferrand, as part of the exhibition "Tumult in Gaul, representations and reality".

From 8th December 2014 to 3rd January 2015, the  MUVACAN association ( Nantes' living museum of African arts and civilisations) took over the Espace Cosmopolis for an exhibition on the theme of "The art of healing in African traditions". The Musée Dobrée loaned two African amulets for this exhibition.

From 22nd October 2014 to 20th February 2015, the National Museum of the Middle Ages (Musée de Cluny) in Paris hosted an exhibition entitled "Travelling in the Middle Ages". The Musée Dobrée loaned a messenger's box emblazoned with the crest of Bertrand de Guesclin.

Le Carré Plantagenêt, in Le Mans, hosted the exhibition  "Dinner is served! Eating and drinking in Roman Gaul" from 25th October 2014 to 22nd February 2015. The show included ten artefacts on loan from the Musée Dobrée : Gallo-Roman chenets, tableware in metal, glass and ceramics, and even anIron Age salt pot.

From 18th April to 14th June 2015, SEMITAN hosted an exhibition at La Cale 2 Créateurs in Nantes to celebrate 30 years of the tramway in Nantes, looking back over the history of the city's tram system. The Musée Dobrée contributed to the exhibition by loaning five public transport tickets dating from the 19th and early 20th centuries.

Le Carré Plantagenêt, in Le Mans, held an exhibition from 21st March to 21st September 2015 entitled "Of Gods and Men". The Musée Dobrée loaned two Gaulish staters for the exhibition.

From 8th May to 27th September 2015, the Domaine Départemental de la Roche-Jagu (Côtes-d'Armor) played host to an exhibition entitled 'Healing Plants', for which the Musée Dobrée loaned two bronze mortars from the 16th and 17th centuries.

From 22nd August to 22nd November 2015, the Musée Dobrée loaned a drawing by Pierre-Nolasque Bergeret entitled, "The seizing of the Rosbach column" to the Schloss Charlottenburg in Berlin, for the exhibition «Frauensache. Wie Brandenburg Preußen wurde' (A Women's Tale. How Brandeburg became Prussia).

The Oise Archaeological Museum  in Vendeuil-Caply held an exhibition from 7th February to 30th November 2015 devoted to "Terracotta Figures". The Musée Dobrée loaned two Gallo-Roman white terracotta figurines for inclusion in this show.

From 1st April to 30th November 2015, the Musée de Préhistoire de Carnac hosted the exhibition 'Rocks and Civilisation 2015 – Callaïs jewellery in Neolithic Europe: nature, exploitation, circulation and uses' including a dozen pearls and a necklace on loan from the Prehistoric collections of the Musée Dobrée.

From 16th October 2015 to 1st February 2016, the Musée Dobrée loaned a cannon and seals from France's royal and republican navies to the Musée de la Marine de Loire at Châteauneuf-sur-Loire for the exhibition "From the Loire to the Sea, sailing in the service of the king".

For the exhibition"Works in progress: drawings from the Musées of Angers" held at the Musée des Beaux-arts d'Angers from 28th November 2015 to 28th February 2016, the Musée Dobrée loaned a drawing by François Gérard entitled "Aneas saving Anchises from Troy".

From May 2013 to december 2015, a number of coins from the numismatic collections of the Musée Dobrée were on display at the Musée d'Histoire et d'Archéologie de Vannes, as part of the exhibition "Buried Treasure, from the Iron Age to the Revolution" (Exhibition organised in partnership with the Musée Dobrée/Grand Patrimoine de Loire-Atlantique).

Dans le cadre de l'exposition "La fabrique de l'oeuvre : dessins des musées d'Angers" au musée des Beaux-arts d'Angers du 28 novembre 2015 au 28 février 2016, le musée Dobrée a prêté un dessin de François Gérard "Enée transporte Anchise hors de Troie".

Du 18 mars au 19 avril 2016, le musée Dobrée a prête plusieurs objets ayant appartenus à François-Athanase Charette de la Contrie à l'Historial de Vendée, dans le cadre de la commération du 220e anniversaire de sa mort.

The Musée du Nouveau Monde de la Rochelle hosted the exhibition "Children of the Great Crow - Indians from the North-West Coast" from 11th December 2015 to 13th June 2016. The Musée Dobrée contributed to this exhibition by loaning 6 artefacts produced by the indigenous peoples of North America.